Lollipopping 101 to Maximize Your Cannabis Yield

by Alphic
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Curious about how to get the most out of your cannabis plants? Whether you’re a seasoned grower or just starting, there’s a technique called lollipopping that can help you maximize your yield.

In this article, we’ll explore:

  • The concept and its role in enhancing cannabis yield by removing excess lower growth and focusing energy on the upper buds.
  • The benefits, including improved light penetration and airflow, leading to healthier plants and better-quality buds.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to effectively implement this technique in your growing routine to achieve optimal results.

What is Lollipopping?

It is a pruning technique that involves removing the lower leaves and branches of a cannabis plant. This allows the plant to focus its energy on the top buds, leading to a more efficient use of resources.

Why is It Important?

  • Increases overall yield by directing nutrients and energy to the most productive parts of the plant.
  • Enhances light exposure to the upper canopy, promoting stronger bud development.
  • Improves airflow around the plant, reducing the risk of mold and mildew.
  • Allows for easier access during maintenance and harvesting.
  • Encourages a more uniform growth structure, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing plant.

When to Start

Early Vegetative Stage

The best time to start is during the early vegetative stage. At this point, the plant is still growing and can easily recover from any stress caused by pruning.

Pre-Flowering Stage

You can also lollipop right before the flowering stage begins. This helps ensure that the plant focuses its energy on producing big, healthy buds.

Tools You’ll Need

  • Sharp pruning shears or scissors for clean cuts 
  • Gloves to protect your hands and ensure hygiene 
  • A clean surface for collecting trimmed leaves and branches 
  • A magnifying glass (optional) to inspect the plant for pests or diseases 
  • A notebook to track your plant’s growth and results

Steps to Lollipop Your Cannabis Plants

Step 1: Identify Lower Growth

Start by identifying the lower leaves and branches that don’t receive much light. These are usually the ones closer to the base of the plant.

Step 2: Make Clean Cuts

Using your sterilized pruning shears, make clean cuts to remove these lower leaves and branches. Be gentle to avoid stressing the plant.

Step 3: Monitor Plant Health

After pruning, keep an eye on your plant for any signs of stress. If you notice wilting or discoloration, give the plant some time to recover before making further cuts.

Mistakes to Avoid

While it can significantly enhance the yield of your cannabis plants, some common mistakes can hinder your success. Avoiding these pitfalls will help ensure that you achieve the best results.

1. Pruning Too Much

  • Explanation: Over-pruning can stress the plant and limit its overall growth. It’s essential to remove only the lower growth that isn’t benefiting from sunlight.
  • Tip: Aim for a balanced approach by practicing moderation in your cuts.

2. Lollipopping at the Wrong Time

  • Explanation: Timing is crucial. Pruning too late in the growth cycle can prevent the plant from fully recovering before flowering.
  • Tip: Stick to the early vegetative or pre-flowering stages for the best results.

3. Neglecting Plant Health Post-Pruning

  • Explanation: After the process, a plant may show signs of stress, such as drooping or yellowing leaves, if not monitored correctly.
  • Tip: Keep a close eye on your plant’s health and provide extra care and nutrients as needed.

4. Using Dull Tools

  • Explanation: Dull pruning shears can cause jagged cuts, leading to increased stress and potential disease entry points.
  • Tip: Always use clean, sharp tools to ensure smooth cuts and minimize harm to the plant.

5. Ignoring Environmental Factors

  • Explanation: Failing to account for temperature, humidity, and light levels can impact plant health post-pruning, leading to stunted growth or pests.
  • Tip: Maintain a stable environment to facilitate recovery and growth.

6. Not Keeping Records

  • Explanation: Without tracking the outcome of your efforts, it can be challenging to know what works and what doesn’t for future grow cycles.
  • Tip: Utilize your notebook to document growth patterns, plant reactions, and results to refine your technique over time.

Comparing to Other Pruning Techniques


Topping involves cutting off the main stem to encourage the plant to grow more branches. While effective, it can be more stressful for the plant.


Similar to topping, fimming involves cutting off part of the main stem. However, it’s less precise and can lead to uneven growth.


Defoliation is another technique where you remove some of the plant’s leaves. While it can improve light exposure, it’s not as effective as lollipopping in maximizing yield.

Scientific Evidence

Several studies have shown that proper pruning techniques can significantly increase cannabis yields. Researchers have found that plants pruned using methods like this produce more flowers and have higher cannabinoid content.

Additional Tips for Success

Use Quality Nutrients

Feeding your plants with high-quality nutrients can make a significant difference. Look for products specifically designed for cannabis.

Maintain Optimal Conditions

Ensure your growing environment is optimal. This includes proper lighting, temperature, and humidity levels.

Regular Monitoring

Keep a close eye on your plants. Regular monitoring can help you catch any issues early and take corrective action.


Does it work for all cannabis strains?

Yes, this technique is effective for most cannabis strains. However, some strains may respond better than others.

How often should I lollipop my plants?

You generally only need to do it once or twice during the vegetative stage. Overdoing it can stress the plant.

Can I combine it with other pruning techniques?

Yes, you can combine it with other methods like topping or fimming for even better results.

To Conclude

In summary, lollipopping is an effective pruning technique that can enhance the yield and overall health of your cannabis plants when done correctly. By strategically removing lower growth during the early vegetative or pre-flowering stages, you allow your plants to direct their energy towards producing larger, healthier buds. Remember to use the right tools, monitor your plants closely post-pruning, and avoid common mistakes to achieve the best results. For more information and resources on cannabis cultivation techniques, be sure to check out Bud Trainer. They offer a wealth of knowledge and support for both novice and experienced growers. Happy pruning!

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